Barry was going to drive me to a train station in Birmingham, but he woke up feel under the weather AND he had been driving a lot over the several days I was there! So he and Kelly drove me to a near by train station and before I knew it I was on my own again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have known Barry for approx 18 years or so. He stayed with me and my roommate back in Hamilton, Ontario. I then stayed with him. He visited James, Willow and I when Willow was 5. It was great to see him again and to meet his gal, Kelly. I felt welcome and even spoiled (my money wasn't any good there! LOL) I appreciate Barry's friendship and hospitality and hope he and Kelly come visit soon! I really enjoyed sky diving and WILL do it again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It goes without saying, but I will say it anyway, that everyone I stayed with (Maf, Beth, Barry) as well as Lee are all welcome to come visit me here on Salt Spring!
So I am on a train to London... I feel nervous and jittery to be taking the train by myself, knowing I had to take two underground trains (the tube), then 2 more trains. I was way more scared to do this than I was jumping out of a plane! The train arrived in London, I dragged my suitcase (up or down) many stairs to the tube - one stop, my case (up or down) another million steps to the next tube platform - four stops. My suitcase (up or down) another million stairs to the train station, where everyone but me knew what was going on and how things work. I had to go to information three times before I figured out what I had to do and where I had to go. I made it on the right train but it was so crowded I had to sit on a seat outside the toilet (which was out of order thankfully so no noxious fumes!) Now something strange happened on this train. When I walked in I noticed a young woman behind the concession stand. She looked familiar, (remember the Scottish guys from the plane? They had been talking to this woman on the flight!) I asked her if she has flown from Canada recently and she said yes. I find it really strange to have a) run into someone from the flight b) recognized them c) I wasn't suppose to be on that train, I was suppose to be dropped at Birmingham d) it was a long train and I went into 1 car (was too full so sat by the toilets) Had I entered a different car I would not have see her. Had I gone to Birmingham I would have not seen her.... I would love to know what the odds of this situation happening. I told Maf and he seemed just as astounded as I was/am...
On this train I chat to the guy who was sitting in the other seat near the loo. He was a nice enough guy, we chatted about the usual kinds of things I found myself chatting about on public transportation. He thought I was American at first. :op He and his wife were throwing a small football party that night and so he got many calls from her about what kind of beer, how much beer, what kind of food etc.... After a short stop at Crewe I was on the last leg of my train journey. This train was less crowded, I had a chat with a youth worker from London who was going home for a visit. Before I knew it I was in Prestayn and Maf was there to get me! We went to Lee's favourite take out, (James') and I made the mistake of having the greasy fried stuff (more about that later). After hanging out for a while Maf and I went to pick up Lee and we all went to karaoke.

This was only my second time at a karaoke gig but I do know that I prefer Lee's style of hosting. The guy who was doing it seemed more eager to perform then let others (not that there were many of us). Though he did "Sweet Transvestite" and did an fabulous job at it! Maf sang several songs, another guy was there and he sang several, Lee sang one with the host. A young woman named Grace sang as well and she was the star of the night! She had an amazing voice and seemed like a really sweet person. She was with her mum and her mum was so proud of her. They left and then Maf and I got up and sang (was it a BNL's Maf?)
As we were leaving the bar I noticed a really strange looking bird sitting behind someones car. Maf and Lee thought I was weird for being amazed by A DUCK but it was a freaky looking duck!

So I had four glasses of wine at the bar and then Maf, Lee and I went back to Maf's. I had a little gin, we (tried) playing Guitar Hero (I stink!) Lee showed up a couple of card tricks that amaze me still! And before we knew it, it was 2am! Before Lee staggered home he promised to come back at 9am to take me to his hair salon to get my hair done. I didn't really believe him.....
May 22 9am - knock knock knock... it is Lee to pick me up to get my hair done! BUT unfortunately a combination of a lot of travel, drinking and bad food left me *vom* and really out of sorts. Lee called his salon and re booked me for later in the day. I spent the day on Maf's couch and in his bathroom. I finally pulled myself together somewhat and we went to get my hair done. All my wacky colours were covered over with a respectable red and my hair was given a cut. Thanks again Lee and Lee's stylists for giving me a new doo to go home with! Three hours later and Maf and I were headed back to his place to get ready for the last SNUG of the season. I truly wish I had not been ill this day, my energy was really low and I felt really poorly! Blog of the last Snug show (of the season) to follow...........................................................A taste of what's to come...

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