My trip to the UK started with a sea plane leaving Salt Spring for Vancouver airport. Much faster to take the sea plane then the ferry and buses. I watched James and a sad Willow on the dock as the sea plane took off.

Twenty minutes later we landed near the airport and there was a shuttle bus waiting to take me right to the airport.

All went well with checking in and I wandered the airport till it was time to take off. I was well prepared with travel tablets, they make me sleepy as well as make sure I wouldn't be sick on the plane. I had also brought ear plugs so I could rest better on the plane. It was lucky I did! Several Scottish guys were on the plane and boy were they excited about football! Mind you I wasn't annoyed with them I just did my best to block them out. Five hours into the flight some of the people were getting really annoyed and actually shouted at them. Someone said something about 'if you want to act like this then go on a bloody cruise'. They did somewhat quiet down but still managed to act insulting to the people who just wanted quiet.
There were three seats across where I sat, I got the window seat, the middle one was empty and a young guy sat on the isle seat. (god do I feel old saying that) I rested for the first little while and then drinks were offered and I had a glass of wine. Then snacks and then the meal. I made myself eat because I knew it would be a long day. During the meals the guy (I know his name starts with a J) and I chatted about a variety of topics. Music, TV, Canada, the UK (especially Wales, where he was from), the Snug. I gave him the Snug info and he said he was going to listen! He didn't! :( Other times I rested, zoning out to make time go faster. Before I knew it we landed. Going though customs was mostly fine. The custom's agent asked all sorts of questions. Why was I there? - holiday, Was I there to visit family? - no friends, Boyfriend?? - no friends, I'm married, Why isn't your husband with you?? - ummm he's at home with our daughter...... I thought I'd get questions like business or pleasure, how long is your stay? do you have funds to support yourself while here. Not questions out of the 1950's - where is your husband mam?! I got through with customs, got my suitcase and dragged it to the bus station near by and bought my ticket to Ledbury. I had to call Maf for Beth's phone number. All my planning and I manage to forget Beth's phone number!
By now it's May 11th....
I caught the bus to Birmingham where I was able to get the connecting bus to Ledbury. The major thing I noticed in Birmingham were giant billboards of Gordon Ramsay's face every other block! Now I thinks he's fab but he doesn't really have the kind of face that looks good 20 feet tall. The Birmingham bus station was busy and dirty. I passed the time by chatting to the occasional older lady, I watched one lady's suitcase while she went to the 'loo', another woman was going in to buy water so I gave her money to get me one. She was an 'interesting character' though somewhat racist, talking about the immigrants being the problem with England. I did notice Birmingham was multi-cultural but for her it was a dreadful problem.
My bus finally came and I was on the road to Beth's! It was quite a warm day and a woman sat in the seats in front of me. She was very sweaty and ermmm how to say this politely.... an aroma arose and wafted in my general direction and it was not pleasant. But all things come to an end and we finally arrived in Ledbury.
As I was looking for my suitcase I saw Beth and Poppy there to greet me. After a quick hug and retrieving my case we were walking to her home! 24 hours from my house to Beth's. The whole thing wasn't too bad, I was in good spirits, well prepared for where I needed to go, had food and water. So it could have been worse...just wait for the tale of my trip home....but that will come much later! Beth and I head to the pub for a quick drink and chat. I felt as ease with Beth right away, like we've know each other for years. Well we have known each other for years, just never in person. And for us to get along as well as we did, never having met in 'real life' was amazing!

I didn't eat anything for dinner (tea), just not up to it after such a long journey. My brain is hazy on some of the details but after hanging out for a bit we went to bed. [Beth feel free to add details I miss. It will refresh my memory]
May 12th {{{{HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO....JAMES!}}}
Poppy was my alarm in the morning, and I sat up on the couch feeling groggy and strange. Beth's girls came to chat to me on and off as they got ready for school. I got myself dressed and teeth brushed and walked to school with Beth and the girls. Then Beth and I walked back to her house and I got a ride to the grocery store and Beth went on to work. Shopping in another country is an unusual experience, especially if you are particular like me. I bought a number of things, nutella (which I never opened), Cheerios (never opened), a container of something I thought was yogurt and turned out to be compote. It was in the yogurt section! And the container looked like it was fruit yogurt... So in the end I had two bags of groceries to carry back. One thing that was odd was they don't bag your groceries there, here at home most of the time they bag your groceries and occasionally you do it yourself. I headed back to Beth's but missed the street to turn down, so several blocks later I turned right. I knew the direction of the street, and the name of the street, just not it's exact location. I headed in that direction and then when I saw someone I asked where the street was. I was meandering for less than 10 Min's but Beth told Maf I was lost for 2 hours! LOL Sure make fun of the Canadian!

Back at Beth's I had a bite to eat and then a rest till Beth came home. I had a strange experience while in the place between awake and asleep. For some unknown reason I heard 'kamikaze origami toast'. Don't know what it meant but that's what I heard in the bizarre dream state. After dinners were gotten Beth introduced me to the wonderful world of glass bead making. She is very talented at it, making it seem effortless. But after trying it I realized it's not as easy as she makes it look! Not long after that we went to bed. [Again Beth am I remembering right?]
May 13th
I had a really vivid dream about Beth and her family getting up and hanging out in the living room. At one point Sian is bugging Beth to the point she gets a spanking. In the dream I remember thinking 'oh no more company manners'. Then (still in the dream) Beth and I are walking in her village, going to a local business that sold her glass creations and she says she makes 800 pounds a week but has to pay 250 commission. Then Poppy really woke me up and I realized I hadn't actually been awake. I didn't walk with the girls to school but promised to walk with them the next day.
Once everyone had gone I had breakfast and got ready and then headed out to explore the town. I pretty much wandered aimlessly, going into shops, buying little things for Willow along the way. I then walked up the road to the church and was taking pictures as I went. At one point an old man with a can seemed to spot me and stopped in his tracks.

I kept walking and he just stood there, looking at me. It wasn't until I was in the church grounds that he started walking again.

It was just odd... After that I went back to Beth's, we got the girls, and went for a drive to a veggie market. Holly suggested lemon curd, which she loves to eat on toast. To me it sounded like the strangest thing I had heard of. I didn't try it on toast (yet) but I did eat some with a spoon and it was yummy, but on toast?! After the market we drove by Beth's old house. It was an amazing looking house but not practical in the winter. It was great to hang out with the three girls, chatting and having fun.
I think the Wii fit game arrived this day. It was fun to watch them have a go at it. I had not seen a Wii in action before so it was fun to watch. It's always interesting to be part of another family's routines. There was dinner to get, I finally ate a real meal. I was still off kilter from travelling. The girls were in bed by 8:00. It might have been this night I played Stephan Colbert for Beth for the first time. She now understands why he appeals to me! ;o) Also our plans for Thursday Snugness were coming together. The girls were getting picked up Wed after school so that meant we could leave when we wanted to on Thursday morning. Another day came to an end.
May 14th
As promised I walked with the Beth and the girls to school. When I went back to the house I went back to sleep until half and hour before Beth came back. A bit boring but necessary for my sanity. Then Beth went to get the girls and they came back and got ready to go with their Grandpa. With the girls gone we were really starting to get excited about the Snug show the next day! For dinner got take out from an Italian restaurant and a couple of bottles of wine. I believe we made more beads that night and then later watched more Stephan Colbert. I gave Beth one of my Colbert buttons (badges). We had a great night drinking wine and chatting.
May 15th
We woke up and got ready for the road. We had good old TOMTOM so didn't have to worry about getting there. I packed my smaller bags and left my big suitcase. Before we knew it we were on the road to The Snug! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before I continue with the road trip part of this I want to summarize my visit to Beth's home. I was made to feel very welcome by Beth and her girls. Even 'he who must not be named' had his company manners on and was pleasant to me. Holly and Sian drew pictures for me. Holly wrote me the sweetest note to take home, about how she'd miss me. Poppy is a sweet and cuddly little dog. I feel a real friendship with Beth. Having only known her online, it was cool to find out she was is awesome in real life too. I feel my visit to her house, in itself was worth my trip to the UK. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Now on with the road trip. We listened to music on the way, I was introduced to 'yellow car', and we chatted none stop. We made a stop for food on the way and before we knew it TOMTOM had lead us to Maf's door. There we found a nervous Maf, who was unsure of his hosting abilities but I think we put that to rest with our cool and relaxed natures. He took us for a walk by the sea, acting tour guide, pointing out things of interest. We headed back to his place for pizza.
We all got ready and headed to the pub for the Snug show!! Blog for that show will be done ASAP.
That's all for now!
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