Sunday, April 01, 2007

RED RED WINE..................................................RED RED WINE YOU MAKE ME FEEL SO FINE.............and so on and so forth...................

I never drink and blog......until now! mwaaahahahahaaaa

I also have yet to blog between shows..... until now that is! mwaaaahahahaaa

I have just returned from 3 hours of inventory at Salt Spring Books (I was going to put a link but I don't think they have a web site!) The inventory job was really easy this year (it's my third year doing it) It's the first year James and Willow came to do inventory. Willow was very proud to earn her own money. They provided pizza, beer and WINE for when the work was done. As I do not drink very much, wine tends to travel straight to my head! I am not saying I am 'wasted' but I wouldn't argue with tipsy.

Anyway so I chatted to James and asked if it would bug him if I wanted to go to England on my own and he said no! So devoted Snug listeners how do I get there? As in what would it cost me to get there and stay a week? I will have to do research.

WOW, as a mum, thinking about going away for a week to myself seems like... like... gee I have no idea because it has been since ummmm FOREVER that I had time to myself AND be away from home at the same time. Usually if I do get time, James and Willow are going away somewhere and I am staying home and probably doing a huge clean. So forget winning the friggon lottery! I am going to look into getting to England!

So there you go fellow Snugsters, what do you think?

This ends this tipsy blogg attack!
I've been Tamara and I love red wine!!


Unknown said...

Hmmm...I can't help but notice it's the beginning of April.....

Anonymous said...

Now its the middle of April! and the fans blog is still AWESOME!


Fans of Snug said...

I have my passport application.
Now to fill it out, take a photo and send the whole thing in! Woo hoo
A teeny tiny step closer to my goal.