Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Dear Fans of the Snug Fan's Blog (Maf and Lee)

This has been a difficult week for me and I just don't think I have the time or the emotional energy to take on the last two blogs. Trust me when I say it is NOT due to CBA-ness. I love listening to the show again and writing pithy comments in response.

W getting hurt was bad enough but on Friday she had to go off island to a plastic surgeon to have the wound reopened, trimmed (part of it was blackening) and then stitched (which I wish the emerg. doctor would have done in the first place!) So Sunday the 14th she got hurt and Friday the 19th was like starting all over again with the healing!

So on top of W's injury I've not been feeling well and I got really behind in my piece work and house work and W's home school stuff and and and....
Her lip is healing nicely now, going to the doctor today to have it looked at again so life is slipping back slowly into it's 'normal' rhythm and routine. I can not promise that the past two shows will be blogged (I will try but am not making any promises! If nothing else I will, at some point, do the quote section) but the next show will be done first....

I've been Tamara and these have been my excuses (doctor's note to follow)
T xx

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's no problem at all...All of us at the Snug wish you (and Willows face) all the best

M xx