Monday, July 23, 2007


Snug Towers hired Scopy Steve to do intros for the show. All was going well until one day he started getting mychingo messages from 'the real' scopy steve. This went on for several weeks and Steve was getting fed up. But then one beautiful day a message came from Audrey, who declaired her interest in Steve. It was then that we found out 'the real' Steve was Audrey's ex-boyfriend named Phillup. Phil went crazy with jealousy over Steve and Audrey's bloosoming relationship. We are under the impression Phil has commited suicide but soon find out that he is alive and in a mental hospital. The lovers are safe.... for now.

Audrey soons finds herself preganat with Steve's child. She can not seem to reach him on his cell/mobile.
Meanwhile we hear from someone named Elizbeth. At first it's just with musical requests but then we find out that she has been out for "drinks" with Steve. She drives a Tatra ('Maf will be so jealous')

Steve breaks out of his hospital, injures Dr. Neil Down and kills his nurse Ben Dover. Steve dies in a hail of bullets.

We then hear from Bill, Phil's brother. He is angry and

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